Tai Chi and Qigong
Hi, I am Sue. I have been a student and teacher of Tai Chi for 45 years. I know the profound beneficial effect it has had on my life and I want to share this
beautiful healing practice with others.
Come along and see if you like it.
New students are welcome to join the friendly, informal atmosphere of the
Tai Chi classes at any point in the term.
I also run day workshops and retreats in mindful movement and stillness to bring you back to the Point of Stillness which is your natural state.
I am a therapist at the Towngate Clinic where I practice acupuncture, massage and healing. For more information please ring 01772 456657
Sue Keady
My Therapy practice address:
Towngate Therapy Clinic, 102 Towngate, Leyland, PR25 2LR
Clinic No: 01772 456657
To enquire about classes please text me on: 07496 816004
OR send an email to this address sue.keady@yahoo.com
Evening Classes: TUESDAY Bamber Bridge Methodist Church, Station Road
Daytime Classes: THURSDAY Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland